reviews > Brooklyn, NY

Frantiska and Tim Gilman-Sevcik
Frantiska and Tim Gilman-Sevcik

15 October 2005 12:32 PM

Artist couple Frantiska and Tim Gilman-Sevcik reproduce banal reality in sculptural and painterly formats, via divergent means but to similar effect. While their oil on canvas paintings take a photo realist approach, darkly copying straight from our mediated, minimalist age, their sculptures make the point from the opposite direction, getting no closer to the real thing but more explicitly so: flat felt cut outs of chair and table shapes lie as inert as their materials insist they should. Meanwhile, the trompe-l’oeil paintings hang overhead, offering a more convincing dose of the way the world looks, but only if you’re willing to ante up the suspension of disbelief demanded by such paintings.

—Lori Waxman