reviews > Lexington, KY

Molly VanZant
Molly VanZant

Most structures have an underlying geometry. This is true for buildings as it is true for human beings and other life forms. Molly VanZant sketches industrial architecture, with special attention to chimneystacks and utility poles, and she has also painted a shimmery eight-pointed star shooting through a midnight blue expanse. In certain strange pictures these subjects come together—geometry overlaid atop structure, structure revealing its inherent geometry—and in these communions VanZant reveals a beautiful and otherwise invisible logic. There is the circle that squares perfectly inside a rusty silo, but also the quatrefoil penciled in, like a mathematician’s graffiti, over the sky-blue sidewall of a warehouse. Most glorious of all is the orange hexagon that rises out of six overlapping circles, hovering against an old purple shed. They might be atoms, bubbles, breath, or something even more mysterious.

—Lori Waxman 3/23/17 10:29 AM